MUNISCOPE is Canada’s national resource on municipal issues, an online service of the Secretariat of the Table of Provincial and Territorial Ministers Responsible for Local Government (SMLG). With a dedicated team of professional researchers backed by the largest circulating library of its kind in Canada, Muniscope is your best source for information to support local government policies, practices and service delivery.



Federal Budget 2024–2025: Highlights and ReactionsFederal Budget 2024–2025: Highlights and Reactions

(Click here to download the report)



PTOC Strategic Plan 2020-2025Strategic Plan 2020–2025 of the Provincial-Territorial Officials Committee on Local Government

(Click here to download the report)




Building for people: Designing livable, affordable, low-carbon communitiesBuilding for people: Designing livable, affordable, low-carbon communities

/ Eliason, Michael. — Washington, DC : Island Press, 2024.

Greening cities shaping cities: Pinpointing nature-based solutions in cities between shared governance and citizen participationGreening cities shaping cities: Pinpointing nature-based solutions in cities between shared governance and citizen participation

 / Mahmoud, Israa H.; Morello, Eugenio; Salvia, Giuseppe; & Puerari, Emma. (Eds.). — Basel : MDPI, 2022.

New industrial urbanism: Designing places for productionNew industrial urbanism: Designing places for production

/ Hatuka, Tali & Ben-Joseph, Eran. — New York, NY : Routledge, 2022.